Saturday, May 21, 2011

Art & Music Party TOUR

The Fallout Creative Community announces The Fallout Art & Music Party Tour. The tour will bring "inclusive and accessible celebrations of creativity" that include "Hands On" art stations, live music, film and kids activities to several South Dakota locations.

The Fallout is a nonprofit organization located in Aberdeen SD that has been hosting art and music parties for many years. In October of 2009 they started having weekly parties.

These parties culminated in an Art & Music Festival in September of 2010 that had a diverse gathering of over 1000 people with a variety of abilities who produced hundreds of works of art at "creation stations" and over 550 people were served free meals. Over 30 musical acts and dozens of games, activities and performances were enjoyed by people of all ages. This festival will be an annual event.

The Fallout formed organically out of a group of creative people who intentionally developed community and worked collaboratively over the past 10 years. Check here for the Fallout's story. It has a diverse membership of people working together on music, art, film, performance art, writing, photography and many other creative endeavors. Check here for a catalog of Fallout groups and projects.

The Fallout's mission is to be a visible and vibrant arts community that embraces people of all abilities to live creatively together. The mission includes reaching out to and including people with developmental disabilities in the community. They were encouraged to go to other SD towns to demonstrate creative parties and tell the Fallout's story to "plant seeds" of inclusive community.

The Fallout received a grant from the SD Council on Developmental Disabilities to strengthen their ability to include area people with disabilities. The tour which will visit Vermillion, Sioux Falls, Brookings and Watertown is funded by this grant and by generous donations.

The kickoff for the tour will be the Fallout's Art & Bicycle Spectacle in Aberdeen on May 29th. This will be a festival with all of the regular hands on art, live music and kids activities but it will have "bicycles" as it's theme. Gearhead Bikes will do free tune-ups, South Dakota Bicycle Coalition will be giving away free helmets and water bottles, Aberdeen ReCycle program will be receiving old bike donations and giving away refurbished bikes to kids. There will be a Bike themed Art show, bike games, BMX demos and much more. This festival is also an annual event in its 5th year.

The Fallout will also be hosting hands on art experiences at other events in Aberdeen throughout the summer including 6th Avenue Gallery's Music Festival, Presentations Sisters 125th Anniversary Celebration and Arts in the Park.


Featuring "Hands On" ART Stations: Drawing, Mural Painting, Sidewalk Chalk, KIDS Activities, Fallout produced FILMS, and LIVE MUSIC by Fallout Music acts: ILL Medicine, Better Ride, Jeremy Burckhard, Dan Cleberg and local artists at some locations. Dan will share the Fallout's story during his music set.

Other Fallout members on the tour are Rob Wedemann, Ryan Pederson, Daniel Guthmiller, Arlene Cleberg, Alexis Burckhard, Laura Carver and Rosanne Rougemont

Wednesday June 1
Vermilion - Cafe' Brule' - 108 West Main St.

Thursday June 2
Sioux Falls - Augustana College -Morrison Commons Patio
at W. Grange Ave. & 32nd St. enter Commons Circle
3pm - 6pm

Friday June 3
Sioux Falls Downtown Block Party - 401 E 8th St.
6pm - 10:30pm

Saturday June 4
Brookings - Mission Coffee House - Mission Coffee House
located in First Lutheran Church , Main Ave. & 8th St.

Sioux Falls - Black Sheep Coffee House
1007 West 11th Street

Sunday June 5
Watertown- Downtown
County Fair Foods parking lot
14 2nd Street Northeast
3pm - 6pm

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